Technique Tip Tuesday – Squats

How to : Squat

Not only is it one of the most basic functional movements in any fitness regiment, but its probably the most fundamental exercise you should learn to master whether your an active fitness enthusiast or just a part time “worker-outer”.   As Pilates Instructors at Pilates of Charleston, we are well experienced and well educated to inform you, that the Art of the Squat is seriously healthy for not only your muscles but for your joints as well.

Katie (Owner and Lead Pilates and Fitness Instructor at Pilates of Charleston) shows us the incorrect and correct version of what a squat should look like:


Using the above illustration of Katie, we can see very clear and distinct differences in form and technique.

Incorrect Squat

  1. Body weight on toes
  2. Knees forward over toes
  3. Pelvis is in a severe anterior tilt
  4. Spine / upper torso leaning forward
  5. Eyes are down

Correct Squat

  1. Body weight on heels
  2. Knees are aligned with instep arches
  3. Pelvis is in a slight anterior tilt to accommodate the body weight on the heels.
  4. Spine/ upper torso is held up
  5. Eyes are lifted. (with a smile)

The biggest Mistake of a Squat: Allowing your torso to pitch forward, instead of putting in the work to BEND your knees.  Your knees are designed to Bend. Period. Bend them to Squat.

But lets be honest: Not everyone will be able to get their “ass to the grass”.  There are multiple reasons behind this, ranging from age, injuries, flexibility,  postural differences and lack of knowledge.  These factors should be taken into account.  However, does this stop us from exercising our right to a achieve Squat greatness? No! Practice makes perfect, folks.  Every repetition you execute, is another opportunity to get better at your workout technique.  It is not so much a physical practice as it is a mental discipline. Whether you are able to get your butt down or not, you should never allow your form to disintegrate. Over time, you will notice pain disappearing; flexibility increasing; and technique strengthening.

Want more help with your squat?

Sign up for class now!

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