Schedule Your Private Session

Private sessions are scheduled based on your availability and the instructor’s.

Pilates of Charleston uses MindBody as our main scheduling software. Select your appointment type below (Private Session | Virtual Session | Introductory Special) and tap search to view instructor availability. If you do not already have a MindBody account, you will be prompted to create one before signing up.

Why a Private Session Might be for you

There really are times when you need 100% of your Pilates instructor’s attention on just you. Here are some reasons why you may want or even need to join a private session.

100+ Reviews

Tailored to your Needs

If you prefer one-on-one training instead of a group class environment, then private sessions are ideal for you. Because private sessions are individualized, then we can custom tailor the session to meet your needs. We can strengthen areas that need to be strengthened and work on increasing flexibility where needed.

Improve Your Technique

If you’re an avid Pilates devotee and are simply looking for ways to improve your technique, then schedule a private session. We can really dig deep and hone in on proper form and technique in these one-on-one based sessions. Discover new techniques to help you get the most out of your Pilates practice our Certified Master Instructors.

Rehabilitative/Corrective Pilates

Pilates is one of the main therapeutic forms of exercise recommended by Physical Therapists. When you have physical limitations and injuries, Private Sessions are your best path to recovery. Learning individualized modifications in these private sessions will allow you to practice in the safest way.

Sometimes Pairs are Better!

We know you have friends! Why not work out together? In our Semi-Private Sessions, you can bring your friend, spouse or family member to get the benefits of Pilates right along beside you!

New to Pilates?

If you are new to Pilates, we recommend starting with private sessions to learn your way around the reformer and make sure you stay safe in class. We even have an introductory package to help you with this!


We highly recommend private sessions after your first trimester of pregnancy so that you are int he safest setting for you and your little one. Group classes can pose difficulties and limitations the further along you are in your pregnancy.

Please let us know

*We require all new clients who have had past surgeries, injuries or are currently pregnant to attend at least 3 private sessions with Pilates of Charleston before considering and participating safely in group classes. This allows our instructors to have the opportunity to evaluate you as a client and make sure you can safely participate in group classes.

  • Surgeries
  • Injuries
  • Medication
  • Pregnancy