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Your Feet!

Let’s talk feet!  What are your feet looking like? Next time you put your feet on the foot bar, lift your head up and check them out!  Where are your ankles?  Are they rolling to the outside (towards the toe that went wee, wee, wee, all the way home)?  Or to the inside (towards the […]

Technique Tip Tuesday – Ribs and ABs

Think of it this way: Your Frontal Ribs and Abdominals are good friends.  Your abdominal cavity attaches onto the the ribs. Kris, Pilates of Charleston client demonstrates incorrect and correct versions of rib cage connection to abdominals. Notice how the top picture illustrates “popped” ribs. Pilates Principle! Fact! If you can breathe using your Ribs and […]

Technique Tip Tuesday – Lunges

Technique Tip Tuesday is here again! This week is all about the Lunge.  At Pilates of Charleston, we as your Pilates and Fitness Instructors are on a continuing mission to keep you and your basics in perfect form! The Lunge forms part of the basic fundamental movements in fitness. So.  Why do we Lunge?  – […]

Technique Tip Tuesday – Planks

Alright, folks.  The dreaded Plank!  Pilates of Charleston Instructors will tell you this over and over again: Plank is the way forward! So, Lets do this! And if you don’t want to do this…get a grip and get used to doing the Plank, because it is the ultimate body firming and conditioning exercise not only in […]

Technique Tip Tuesday – Squats

How to : Squat Not only is it one of the most basic functional movements in any fitness regiment, but its probably the most fundamental exercise you should learn to master whether your an active fitness enthusiast or just a part time “worker-outer”.   As Pilates Instructors at Pilates of Charleston, we are well experienced and well […]