Client Spotlight

Meet Jess Garzilli

For this month’s newsletter, we talk with Jessica “Jess” Garzilli.  Jess has been a client of Pilates of Charleston for many years (five to be specific) and maintains a rigorous schedule of FIVE group classes/week! So, if you’re a regular group class client at Pilates of Charleston, it’s safe to say that you’ve probably been on a reformer next to Jess.  As an instructor, it’s a pleasure having Jess in class because of her work ethic and “up for anything” attitude. As a client and practitioner of pilates for many years, Jess appreciates the challenging and athletic style of group classes that really sets Pilates of Charleston apart.  Read below to meet Jess and what inspires her.  

1. What made you start Pilates? And how long have you been doing it? I love group classes and wanted to try something new. I started in 2008 when I lived in CA! (oh man, I am old, lol)

2. What made you choose Pilates of Charleston? I just love the vibe- the classes are challenging and the clients are so fun to be in class with. It’s such a nice way to start the day every morning.

3. What’s your favorite Pilates exercise? No idea what it is called but when the box is on top of the reformer and you lay on it facing the wall with the straps on your thighs and you extend your legs and then do crunches, it’s such a good ab workout. I die every time but I love it.

4. What exercise do you dread the most? Bridges on light springs- I would rather do a hundred side bends

5. How many classes a week do you take? Five

6. How do you recharge? Pilates! I love having that 45-50 minutes  blocked off in the morning for me time to start my day.

7. What have you been loving, watching or reading recently? Walking early in the morning before it gets too hot out.

8. Favorite spot for dinner? Community Table

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